Driftwood: shaping shorelines and completing communities

For a while, park staff have been wondering: why do some of our guests who come to visit natural environments feel compelled to leave their mark on that beach, waterfall, or lookout after they’ve left?

At MacGregor Point Provincial Park, we’ve noticed some changes being made to our shorelines by well-meaning sun-seekers who visit our beach for a short time, but leave behind structures made of driftwood.

Staff in our park and others have disassembled several driftwood forts upon discovering them on our beaches, which can be a dangerous task.

Let’s talk about why we’d prefer our visitors to leave driftwood where it lies, and some fun things you can do at the beach instead of building forts.

Continue reading Driftwood: shaping shorelines and completing communities

What is a conservation reserve?

Protection has always been, and continues to be an integral piece in maintaining our unique natural spaces and biodiversity throughout the province.

Whether protected for scientific or cultural reasons, the designation of Ontario’s nearly 300 conservation reserves plays an important role in preserving these lands.

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Can you teach an old naturalist new tricks?

Today’s blog comes from Tim Tully, Discovery Coordinator at Awenda Provincial Park.

That is the question.

After decades of doing things a certain way, can I rally the forces of change and adopt a new way of recording species data? Should I submit species data to iNaturalist or not?

I decided to empirically investigate in an unbiased scientific way. Specifically, what is all the fuss about iNaturalist anyway?

Here’s what I discovered….

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Experience Ontario’s greatest landscapes on the Lake Superior Shoreline Tour

Planning a cross-province adventure? Check out the Ontario Parks Driving Routes.

The Lake Superior Shoreline Tour is a world-renowned driving route that will take you to some of the most awe-inspiring scenery Canada has to offer.

On your journey, you’ll discover spectacular rugged shorelines, cascading rivers and waterfalls, smooth rock and sand beaches, unique geological features, and excellent wildlife viewing.

Continue reading Experience Ontario’s greatest landscapes on the Lake Superior Shoreline Tour

August’s digital download

Being lulled to sleep by the call of a loon or the waves lapping at the shore…does it get any better than this?

Did you know that spending time outdoors is proven to help with sleep problems? Pair that with the 100% natural sleep sounds, you’ve got a night of sweet dreams ahead!

This month’s FREE digital download comes from Algonquin Provincial Park.

Throughout 2021, we’re sharing a free downloadable graphic for you to use as wallpaper for your favourite devices. We’ve specially sized these images for your computers, tablets, smartphones and Facebook covers.

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Happy World Ranger Day!

Ontario Parks staff tackle a huge array of tasks and challenges.

Our days are diverse. You might find us researching rare species, applying First Aid to injured guests, maintaining safe and healthy water systems, building a boardwalk, or welcoming families to a busy campground.

We’re stewards of our province’s most treasured natural resources. We’re educators, instilling a love of nature in new generations of Ontarians.

Internationally, World Ranger Day celebrates their wonderful work protecting our parks, and commemorates park rangers killed or injured in the line of duty in park organizations with high-risk activities.

We’re proud to keep our parks safe and welcoming to visitors, while protecting our amazing natural world.

Continue reading Happy World Ranger Day!

Nature is calling – are you listening?

When’s the last time you really appreciated your surroundings?

This summer has flown by. It’s been difficult to make time to get outside and experience the rejuvenating effects of nature.

Luckily, Healthy Parks Healthy People’s 30×30 Challenge happens every August! It’s a month-long opportunity for you to get outside into nature for 30 minutes for 30 days in a row.

Continue reading Nature is calling – are you listening?

Hitting the MOTHerlode at Rondeau

Today’s post comes Kevin Gevaert, senior Discovery staff at Rondeau Provincial Park

Not too many people are fond of the idea of staying in the forest when it gets dark.

It might sound sound discouraging or even scary to most, but experiencing Rondeau Provincial Park’s forest at night is something you won’t soon forget!

The billions of stars in the night sky, the sound of owls hooting, coyotes howling in the distance, and the odd mosquitos buzzing are all part of the magic that makes nighttime here at Rondeau so special.

Things really start to appear when we shine a bit of light on the subject!

Continue reading Hitting the MOTHerlode at Rondeau