Don’t feed the foxes

Today, we want to share an important message about how we can keep our foxes (and other wild creatures) safe.

Foxes are extremely intelligent, able to multitask and quickly clue in to patterns. They remember where they found food, and will return to that spot to search for more.

But sometimes, foxes are too clever for their own good.

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The turtle who swam off with my wedding ring

In today’s post, Brad Steinberg, our Natural Heritage Education & Learning Coordinator, shares the story of how he (kinda) proposed to a Blanding’s turtle.

It was September 30, the last day of trout season in Algonquin Provincial Park. I was trudging out a portage with a canoe over my  head when I saw it: a big, beautiful Blanding’s turtle, perched right on the edge of the old roadway.

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Don’t deck the Scots pine for Christmas

If you’ve visited Presqu’ile Provincial Park lately, you’ve probably spotted staff and volunteers cutting down happy pine trees (during the Christmas season!) and feeding them (*GASP*) into the woodchipper.

You might even have pulled over to ask, in a little Cindy-Lou Who voice: Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why?

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Reptile Day at Rondeau Provincial Park

Rondeau Provincial Park hosts “Reptile Day.” A day to learn about our sensational scaly critters!

We encourage everyone (even if you are not too keen on the legless variety) to join us in a day dedicated to the appreciation of ALL of our unique reptile species, from snakes to skinks.
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