Leeches: fearsome, ferocious, and… friendly?

Today’s blog comes from Charlotte Westcott, Discovery leader at Neys Provincial Park.

One of the most exciting things about working for Ontario Parks is getting to investigate all the different species that live in your area.

Here at Neys, we have a diverse array of boreal forest flyers, runners, critters, and crawlers to investigate.

Yet for all our curiosity about the world around us, sometimes a few of our park residents can slip through the cracks.

Even for some park naturalists, critters can get a bit too… disgusting. Yet if we challenge ourselves to look past the grossness, we can find a whole new world of wonder on the other side!

These fearsome, ferocious, and friendly species have marvelous stories, adaptations, and more just waiting to be discovered once we give them a second look.

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