Don’t deck the Scots pine for Christmas

If you’ve visited Presqu’ile Provincial Park lately, you’ve probably spotted staff and volunteers cutting down happy pine trees (during the Christmas season!) and feeding them (*GASP*) into the woodchipper.

You might even have pulled over to ask, in a little Cindy-Lou Who voice: Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why?

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Take a walk on the wild side on Lake Superior’s Coastal Trail

Today’s post comes from Carol Dersh, our natural heritage education leader at Lake Superior Provincial Park.

Slippery, steep and rugged sections ahead. . .

…what a fitting description of Lake Superior Provincial Park’s 65 km Coastal Trail.

If you like wild places, rugged hikes, varied terrain, dark night skies, an endless horizon, fewer biting insects and spectacular rocks, this is the trail for you.

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Backcountry fishing in Quetico

For today’s post, we chatted with Trevor Gibb, Superintendent of Quetico Provincial Park (and longtime angling addict!).

You’ve spent the day on the water. It rained all morning, and you spent the afternoon paddling against that strange weather phenomenon, best described as the multi-directional headwind.

Time to make camp, kindle a fire, and relax listening to the crackling logs and sizzling frying pan.

For backcountry campers at Quetico Provincial Park, the tantalizing aroma wafting from that frying pan is the smell of fresh-caught fish.

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Are you ready for the Missinaibi River?

Backcountry-lover Scott Elliott, a Partnership Development Specialist from our main office, shares the story of his nine-day wilderness adventure.

Many parks are easily accessible; you just pack your tent and sleeping bag, hop in the car and roll into your weekend campground.

But some parks require planning, motivation, and a refined skill-set.

Missinaibi Provincial Park is one of those parks.

Continue reading Are you ready for the Missinaibi River?