Why I love being a park naturalist

As summer fades, we love hearing from our seasonal students. Today’s post is from Michael Berry, a naturalist at Rondeau Provincial Park.

Two years ago when I applied to be a Natural Heritage Education Assistant at Rondeau Provincial Park, I didn’t really know what to expect. I had visited Rondeau a handful of times as a child, but never imagined I would have the opportunity to work there.

Fast forward to present day where being a park naturalist has changed my life forever!

Why you might ask?

Here are a few of my favourite things about being a park naturalist:

Continue reading Why I love being a park naturalist

Billions travel Ontario’s migration superhighways

Today’s post comes from Brad Steinberg, our Natural Heritage Education and Learning Coordinator. An avid birder, Brad identifies several “migration superhighways” and the role provincial parks play in protecting Canada’s Important Bird Areas. 

Being stuck in traffic sucks. Especially with young kids.

This sentiment recently ran through my head while mired in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the Don Valley Parkway in Toronto, Ontario. (My conclusion was reinforced when my son loudly announced his urgent need for a bio-break.)

But as frustrating as highways can be; they are vitally important to us, providing a reliable route from one place to another.

Continue reading Billions travel Ontario’s migration superhighways

5 questions with a northern superintendent

Welcome to our “5 Questions” series! We chat with park staff around the province to give you an inside look at what it’s like to work at Ontario Parks.

Trevor Gibb started with Ontario Parks as a summer student. He worked his way up from park warden to superintendent, earning degrees in geography and education along the way. He now manages Quetico Provincial Park, a vast backcountry park popular with paddlers. Continue reading 5 questions with a northern superintendent

Cool summer salads…cooked over the campfire?!

In today’s post, Chef Deb Rankine, a.k.a. The Fridge Whisperer, shares the recipes for two really quick, really delicious, really healthy salads that eat like a meal.

Anyone camping for more than a few days knows space is always a concern, especially when it comes to packing the cooler. But with a little creativity and know-how, you can plan meals everyone will love while making the most of the ingredients you have to work with.

Continue reading Cool summer salads…cooked over the campfire?!

How do provincial parks prepare for forest fires?

Ever wondered how wildfires are handled in parks? Assistant Superintendent Anne Young recounts a recent training exercise completed in her park.

It’s 9:30 am. Thick smoke hangs in the air.

The MNRF Fire Base in Dryden has contacted Aaron Provincial Park to advise that there is a wildfire east of the park. The fire has an east wind; they are predicting it may impact the park by early evening.

The simulation has begun…

Continue reading How do provincial parks prepare for forest fires?

Lost dog reunited with family

Quetico Provincial Park is a world-famous destination for backcountry canoeing, with over 2,000 lakes and 460,000 ha of remote wilderness. You can explore the heart of the park for two days or two weeks.

So when a beloved dog disappeared, the Kareken family searched for two days before finally assuming the worst and returning home — devastated — to North Carolina.

But on July 14, 2016, park staff received a call from a local outfitter.

Continue reading Lost dog reunited with family

5 questions with an ops tech

Welcome to our “5 Questions” series! We chat with park staff around the province to give you an inside look at what it’s like to work at Ontario Parks.

Rachel Windsor has worked in Ontario Parks for six years. She started as a summer maintenance student for two seasons, then moved over to the park store at Presqu’ile Provincial Park. She trained under the park store manager for a season before taking over that role the following year.

Since 2015, Rachel has been acting in the Ops Tech role, taking the lead on the maintenance team and making sure park operations run smoothly.

Continue reading 5 questions with an ops tech

5 questions with a backcountry ranger

Welcome to our “5 Questions” series! We chat with park staff around the province to give you an inside look at what it’s like to work at Ontario Parks.

Jason Lorbetskie has worked as a backcountry ranger in Algonquin Provincial Park for over 17 years. He is currently a Group Leader for Operations South, where his job duties include supervising other rangers, maintaining trails and campsites, and assisting with all facets of the backcountry program.

Continue reading 5 questions with a backcountry ranger